Beloved soul, welcome.

I am so glad you are here, it brings me much joy being in service to humanity. My offerings have been created for you through my own experience of my journey of awakening, remembering and reclaiming my wholeness.

Through my journey of expansion by exploring my own mental and emotional well-being somatically, healing symptoms through trauma resolution, processing emotional debris from past events and practicing nervous system regulation, I have learned to listen to and be guided by the wisdom of my body. This work helps us to awaken to our potential, our vital life force.

Most of us have wounding created by early life experiences and ancestral trauma that manifests as blockages of living in lack and fear, chronic stress, anxiety, depression, disconnection to inner guidance, physical ailments and beyond - all of which can be unravelled, supported and even resolved by the processing of the early life experiences and ancestral trauma through this work.

When we breakthrough our conditioning we can rewrite the story and change our lives.

I have witnessed my self and others I have worked with change their lives through this work, when we begin the process of integration, alchemy occurs as we begin the process of remembering our wholeness, our vitality returns.

I am excited to guide you and create a safe container for you to explore yourself within.

“We heal when we are held”.

With love,


About Aly

Aly has a deep passion for supporting people in their journey of self development and remembering their wholeness, her work is wonderfully transformative and fosters self awareness. Aly guides you into bringing unconscious themes to light to get to the core of an issue, whether it is manifesting in the mental, emotional or physical realm - in a session the relationship between all three is explored. Aly’s grounded approach is rooted deeply in compassion and her gifts include helping you feel seen whilst assisting you in identifying your needs.

Aly explores mental health somatically and creates a safe space for repressed emotion to come to the surface for clearing, to support you in remembering your wholeness. With a strong focus on the mind-body connection, Aly supports you in safely coming back into your body, allowing you to identify and process what needs to be addressed to gain more clarity. Aly uses her perceptive wisdom and intuitive guidance to assist you in integrating aspects of self to assist you on your healing and self-discovery journey. Above all else, Aly believes in the healing capacity of the mind, body and spirit.

Aly specialise in emotional health & well-being, spiritual and self development, nervous system support, stress support, anxiety, fatigue, female hormones, sleep issues, digestive issues, low self esteem, loss of direction in life, trauma recovery and improving relationship to self and others.

Aly is also a gifted reader of energy, highly attuned to the energy signatures of others, a gift since birth but has been cultivated further the more she grounded further into her body through embodiment practices and nervous system regulation. Aly’s Human Design type type is a Projector - a Projector plugs in deeply to other’s energy and is a naturally gifted guide.

Aly has developed her skills through her own journey of transformation and expansion. Aly has been blessed with exceptional teachers of Spirituality and of the Mind-Body connection of whom have helped her recognise and nurture her natural talents. Aly is continually inspired by the rhythms and wisdom of nature, working with these cycles for her own healing and sharing this with others, deeply attuned to the spirits of nature, receiving guidance and support from them. Aly is someone who celebrates your remembrance of wholeness and finds joy in being of service to your journey of awakening, she has an exceptional gift of helping people to feel validated and seen in the safe space she holds. Aly is incredibly dedicated to her self development and is aware that the more she meets herself and can hold space for herself and hold herself in loving compassion that she can meet others to this depth too.

Connect with me

Connect with me



  • BodyWise

    Deepen your relationship with your body, connect with the body’s innate wisdom, explore your physical symptoms holistically and lean into the connection between trauma, past experiences, accumulated stress and how that is showing up within your body.

    A Body Wise session supports you in coming home to your body to excavate the root causes of your symptoms through the mind-body connection. Body Wise helps you to access the wisdom of your body and builds trust as you learn to identify your body’s needs and atend to them, fostering wholeness, connection and safety.

  • Sol Guidance

    Unravel your current circumstances, reconnect with your inner compass, gain clarity around how to move forward and reclaim the truth of your light by witnessing your shadow, bring the unconscious to light and explore what is holding you back from moving forward in expansive and nourishing ways.

    A Sol Reading is uplifting and helps you to untangle. During a session, we illuminate the unconscious and guide you towards reclaiming your power. By shining a light on your current experiences, we take a look at what you are carrying that is keeping from expanding

  • Audio Tarot Reading

    With the aid of the wisdom of tarot cards, I offer spiritually channelled counsel that supports people moving into liberation from blocks or situations which disempower them. This can support people to solve problems and move through difficult situations and triggers, build greater self compassion, find direction, reflect & reorient and bring clarity through to the next stage of life.

    Please note: This is an audio reading, where I am answering your query in the form of a 15 minute recording, if you require a more in depth service with me please book a Sol Guidance session.

Training & Experience

Aly trained as a massage therapist 6 years ago. Bodywork was her first point of call in her work of space holding professionally, although as Aly reflects she had an interest in helping people unravel as far back as she can remember. Having people release emotion during massage sessions, Aly decided to train in other therapies to help support her natural ability of providing a safe space for trauma release. She trained as a Kinesiologist over the space of 3 years and went on to specialising in emotional well-being. During this time Aly continued studying various esoteric arts, having an interest to continue developing Spiritually, studying under renowned tarot readers Maxine Dubois and Tree Carr. Although Aly is gifted as a bodyworker, she naturally fell into greater alignment with working with guiding people and found great results as she progressed into operating in ways that felt more expansive to her. A bodyworker at heart, Aly weaves her somatic wisdom into her sessions, helping people to be more connected to themselves, their needs and their body.

  • Advanced Systematic Kinesiology Practitioner Diploma - TASK

  • Systematic Kinesiology Practitioner Diploma - TASK

  • Death Doula & Death Priestess in Training - currently in 2nd year of study

  • Holistic Swedish Massage Diploma

  • Advanced Deep Tissue Massage Therapist

  • Reiki Seichem level 1, 2 & Mastership

  • Tarot Reading Diploma + over 10 years self study

  • Ordained Spiritual Minister